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HOMEschooling: Gardening with Kiddos (DIY)

PSA: Newly appointed Homeschooling friends, Science Specials can be FUN!

Here’s a few easy ideas for a “Specials” for STEM/Science with items around your home! The boys had an absolute B-L-A-S-T!

Totally failing and (excelling!) at this homeschooling thing with the kids. We upcycled items, used scraps for compost and are planting strawberries, green beans, broccoli, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, romaine lettuce, avocados and peaches!

Items you will need:

Upcycled items:
18 count egg tray (cut in half to create 36 spots for seeds!)
2 sauce jars (for ‘James’s Giant Peach‘ trees! Pun intended I love a good paperback classic!!)
Gatorade bottles (cut in half 1/3 for bottom and 2/3 for top)
– tops used for romaine lettuce (change water daily)
– bottoms used for avocado seeds (change water daily)

Seeds are Ferry-Morse brand SOW EASY (found in the Walmart Garden Center)
Egg shells (dried and crushed then mixed with soil as compost)

So easy, and super fun. In the end, they had an amazing time and are learning life skills! Now, if there was only a fertilizer that can make the next 50 days grow faster…!

Let us know in the comments what you’ve planted lately!?

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