Consider it all Joy, Facing Life's Storms, On The Road, Uncategorized

Caught Up in the Multi-Tasking Chaos

I don’t love multi-tasking, it makes me anxious. When I don’t have 100% of my focus on something, I feel a little lost, out of control and like I’m just not totally genuine on giving my all to the task at hand.

Thennn I get stuck in a minivan for about 7ish hours, get caught up in 4 accidents and the hotspot is more like lukewarmspot, so the download speed of the pics for our new dream home listing (which I’m unfortunately not buying) – which is why I’m forced to multitask.

Multi-taking or Noise?
Stuck in traffic, for the 4th time and the hotspot is less than warm, guess it’s time to dust off the journal!

So, I pick up my journal and write.

A play-by-play of the 146 mile journey so far:

• Ideas for future blog posts

• A checklist for things I need to get for our next roadtrip to satisfy rowdy children

• Topics of interest to discuss with my Coach Wayne to better my business and life

… maybe this isn’t so bad after all? I never would’ve just busted out the journal and started scribbling my thoughts had the noise of the internet and social media kept ringing in my ears.

I think I like this.

I think I’ll do more of THIS.

Less noise and more downtime.

As we drive through the rolling hills of Ocala, memories of road trips with my family come flooding back. I think I’ll have the boys power down the Nintendo for the night and take a look out the window, let their imagination run wild.

Sunset over the Ocala hills
As we drive through the rolling hills of Ocala, memories of road trips with my family come flooding back.

Whatever it is that is wreaking havoc in your head and causing you to not find joy in the moment, STOP.

Recognize it.

Put it on pause.

Take a moment to do something you love and bring a little joy to this moment. Sing. Draw. Read. Pray. Color. Go for a run (or a walk, if you’re me). Play the guitar. Push your little on the swing. For me, lady, gooo journal.

Find something that captivates you and enjoy it, you deserve it.